Research, Development and Experimentation
The constant process of acquiring new knowledge and skills, in all phases of the projects, allows the development of working practices and models in continuous and permanent evolution.
As described in the Frascati Manual, published by the OECD, Research, Development and Experimentation activities have a state-of-the-art scientific and technological basis and comprise two distinct processes: scientific research and experimental development.
Research, Development and Experimentation activities are divided into the following categories:
experimental or theoretical work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge about the foundations of phenomena and observable facts, not aimed at a specific application.
original work undertaken in order to acquire new knowledge, new techniques and in any case aimed primarily at a practical and specific application.
systematic work based on existing knowledge acquired through research and practical experience, conducted in order to complete, develop or improve materials, products and production processes, systems and services.
Experiments are carried out to ensure immediate effectiveness of the adapted solutions, today we test the tightness and durability of different materials during use and analyze the wear and tear of the raw material to evaluate the modifications to be adopted.
We are very attentive to the research of new materials, which are appearing to overcome the lack of the raw material usually used, but which require in-depth experimentation before they can be used on manufactured products to provide guarantees for the productivity and durability of the materials used.